Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
I hear that professionals always remember their game records, but with my poor memory I have forgotten my games by the next day. Is there some trick for remembering games?

Consultation One: Mr. Futenma
Hello, Mr. Futenma. Thank you for your question.
People tend to think it’s difficult to remember their games, but it’s not really. From the time I was an amateur 1-dan in strength, I got into the habit of recording my games immediately after playing them. At first, I could remember only a few moves, so I would have to ask the opponent for help, but after persevering for a couple of months the number of moves I could remember gradually increased . . . from 20 to 50 to 100, etc. So I think one’s actual strength is not the determinant of whether one can remember one’s games. The key is training your memory.

Naturally, this will be a big help in enabling you to review your games later, and it’s also nice to have a record of memorable games, so I recommend this practice. Don’t be discouraged if you can remember only a few moves at first; the important thing is to persevere and to get into the habit of recording your games.
Consultation 02