[3]Near the end

· In the endgame, you finish off the borders between the groups and secure your own groups.
· Dia. 11. After playing at the top with Black 1 and White 2, Black heads to the bottom with 3. Darting around the board like this is a feature of the endgame. The top is settled with White 4 and 6, and then the bottom with 7 and 8. There's not even one point left to play, so the game is over. Next, each counts his opponent's territory and report the scores to each other. Black has 28 points and White has 25 points. |
Dia. 11
· Dia. 12. The game is almost finished. Black finishes off the right side with 1 to 3. After White 4, there are no places where either side can make a point. The two X points are dame. |
 Dia. 12 |
· Dia. 13. The players fill in the dame points with 1 and 2, and the game ends. Black has 29 points, and White has 26 points. |
Dia. 13
· Dia. 14. The marked black stone is in danger, so Black connects at 1. White settles the right side with 2 to 4 and Black the left side with 5 to 7. There are no more points on which to play, so let's count the territories. Black has 32 points and White has 22 points. |
 Dia. 14 |
· Dia. 15. This is still the middle game. The stones are separated from each other. It will take a few moves to end the game. Black 1 secures the left-side territory. White 2 expands White's bottom territory while also reducing Black's right-side territory. White 4 to 8 settles White's territory at the top. Black 9 reduces White's territory and forces him to answer at 10. We won't get to the end unless we see a more advanced diagram. |
Dia. 15
· Dia. 16. The game proceeds from 1 to 16. The endgame has been completed. All that remains is to settle the borders. |
Dia. 16
· Dia. 17. Next, the moves from 1 to 4 are played, settling the respective territories. Finally, the players just have to fill in the X points. |
 Dia. 17 |
· Dia. 18. The vacant points are filled in with 1 to 4, and the game ends. Well, let's count the territories. Black has seven points on the left side and three points on the right side, for a total of ten. White has eight points at the top and nine at the bottom, for a total of 17. |
Dia. 18
· Dia. 19. This game is almost over. Black 1 and White 2 finish off the right side, and Black 3 to 5 settle the left side. Black has 34 points and White has 22.
· We have looked at how to play in the opening, middle game and endgame. This is how play proceeds on a 9x9 board and how the game finishes. Of course, there are various other ways of playing, and you can never predict what your opponent will do. Lots of incidents happen in actual play, and you will also make all kinds of discoveries. The best shortcut to understanding Go is to play your own games. After finishing this course, we hope you immediately start playing actual games. |
Dia. 19