Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
Hello, Ms. Yashiro. I’m doing my best as a 2-dan on PandaNet, but I always get a bad position in the opening. What should I focus on when I’m playing? Do you have any advice for me?

Consultation One: Mr. Takagi
Hello, Mr. Takagi. Thank you for a question. I gather from your question that you don’t have much confidence in the opening. Actually I’m not so good at the opening myself, so I understand your feelings. Looking back on my own experience, there are usually two reasons why one gets a bad position in the opening.

1. Making a joseki mistake
2. Playing in an area of small value.

I wonder if either of the above applies to you. In particular, it’s very hard to improve in relation to the second point. You play what you think is a good point, and it’s only later that you realize the move was not valuable.
My recommendation is to make an effort to play in open areas. The wider the space is, the more valuable it will be as a rule. When you are at a loss where to play in the opening, look for the widest space.
As for the first factor, there is no alternative to steady application in studying josekis.
I’m sorry I’m not much help, but please remember that the main thing is to enjoy your go without getting too wound up about it.
Consultation 02