Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
Hello, Ms. Nakajima. In my games, when I try to play josekis, the opponent often diverges from them and I immediately collapse. Is there any good way to overcome this problem or good way to study? Please give me some advice.

Consultation Two: Mr.Kono
Hello, Mr. Kono.

I see, the problem of josekis. This is something that plagues me every day . . . I also often collapse (laughter).

Josekis teach us the basics of correct shape. If you learn a lot of josekis, you can make use of them in various situations, so please keep studying them and trying them out in your games.

The only thing is that when the opponent diverges from joseki and takes the game into the realm of the unknown, it becomes necessary for you to do your own reading. At such times, it might be a good idea to forget about the joseki and just try to analyse the position. Just try to find a good continuation, the best move in that situation.

I advised you to forget the joseki and to think for yourself, but the correct shapes locally become josekis, so learning them will help you a lot in getting stronger. The difficult thing is that the same joseki may be good in some positions but bad in others.

The best thing is to play a lot of games and to test yourself in many new positions.
Good luck.
Consultation 01