
PANDA-glGo is a 3D and 2D Goban, client for IGS-PandaNet and interface for GNU Go. glGo is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

glGo supports playing with a GTP engine like GNU Go.

glGo provides loading and saving of SGF game files and support for loading the UGF (PandaEgg), XML (Jago) and Ishi file formats. Standalone ugf2sgf and ishi2sgf converters are available.

You can use glGo to play and observe games online on IGS-PandaNet.

Utilizing the wxWidgets library allows native compilation under Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. This addresses the common resistance of many people against Java applications I have noticed.

The usage of OpenGL allows a high quality goban display in 3D, which greatly enhanced the plain 2D display in gGo. It is possible to rotate and move the goban in three dimensions, which is an unique feature within current Go clients.

The SDL library offers a way to render a fast and pretty 2D goban as alternative to the OpenGL 3D display.

glGo is written in C++ and Python.

For further informations and updates please visit the glGo homepage.

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty, without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.