■団子石 dangoishi |
clump of stones |
■中国流 chuugokuryuu
the Chinese opening |
■中盤 chuuban |
the middle game |
■ツケ tsuke |
attachment, contact play |
■ツケコシ tsukekoshi |
cutting across the knight's move |
■ツケノビ tsukenobi |
the attach-and-extend |
■詰碁 tsumego |
life-and-death problems |
■手入れ teire |
adding a reinforcement |
■手順 tejun |
order of moves, timing |
■手筋 tesuji |
tesuji, a clever move |
■手抜き tenuki |
tenuki, switching elsewhere |
■天元 tengen |
center point, tengen |