Zigc is a client for playing Go (WeiQi) over Internet. Zigc is written in Java. It takes the full advantages of Java. First, Zigc can be run as an applet. Therefore, you can play Go by simply pointing your browser to one of the Go servers on Internet. The size of Zigc applet is relatively small (less than 80K). It takes a minute or so to start Zigc. The advantage of using Zigc this way is that you do not need a client program installed on you computer and you always use the latest version of Zigc. Second, Java is platform independent. Therefore, Zigc should run on any platform that supports Java. It has been tested on Windows 95 and SGI Irix without any problem.
A few of Zigc's features include:
-cp zigc.jar Zigc
javaw -cp zigc.jar Zigc
These two commands assume you start Zigc from its home directory. Running Zigc as an application will enable certain features that are disabled in the browser due to security limitations on an applet. For example, you can save your game records and your preference settings to files. Also, you can connect to more than one servers.
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