I had an opportunity to be taught by Hideo Otake Sensei in a preliminary roun
d of the Judan tournament in 2009. When I first saw the pairing, I was thrille
d. 'You did it!' I thought.
However, my joy gradually changed to nervousness, and until the day arrived I
was a mixture of pleasurable anticipation and apprehension. On the day itself
, I arrived early at the playing room on the 5th floor of the Nihon Ki-in and
waited for the game to start. Even now I remember how excited I was.
The nigiri (drawing for colours) started, and I was wondering what I would do
if I drew white. What if I were to play white in the first game!? Various thou
ghts flitted across my mind.
This photo is of a game after the fourth game of the 38th Meijin title matc
h when I was taught by Otake Sensei and Iyama Sensei.
However, this was an even game. Holding the nigiri is the rule, I reminded mys
elf, as the stones were counted . . .
I got black! I was immensely relieved.
The game started. Otake Sensei played really fast.
A sharp move made me catch my breath, but I was filled with the happiness of b
eing able to play go.
I won't touch on the content of the game, as it was all bad for me. If I were
ever to have another opportunity of playing a game with Otake Sensei, I would
hope to be able to convey my feelings better through my play.