I started swimming three years ago.
Back then, swimming and running were rigorous for me and I just walked in the water.
Then I thought that backstrokes would not be so hard as I can breathe freely while I'm swimming!
As I thought, backstroking was fun, but then I got a suntan in the shape of my goggles. I started practicing crawling for that reason.
Gradually, I started to feel that swimming was fun. Now I am practicing breaststrokes, too.
People who saw me doing breaststrokes might have thought that I was drowning as I am such a slow swimmer. It's been three months now. Now I can swim 25 meters in 50 seconds in breaststrokes.

I keep practicing hard reminding myself that I can do it and believing in myself. And I started to practice butterfly, too.
I hope I can swim the four swimming forms perfectly a year from now.

Tomoko Kato