What are your targets now, in go or outside?
Consultation Two

1. Originally I thought I liked all kinds of sports lol. But these days I don't get enough exercise. Every day I feel what bad shape I'm in. This is no good, I thought, so I started WiiFit. But I couldn't keep up with it. Sometimes I just have to laugh at myself, but I work up a sweat and am having fun with it every day.

2. This year, for the first time, I soaked plums to make plum syrup.
Every day I shake the jar to see how it's going, and I've gradually become fond of it. Plum juice is good to help you cope with the summer heat. I also like eating a lot, which means I like cooking. Recently I've been in a rut with my menu. I've realized how profound cooking is, so I'm going to try to widen my repertoire.

3. Usually I don't watch TV dramas very much, but I look forward to the NHK morning drama "O-hi-sama" (The Sun) every day. I try to finish off all my chores before it starts, so I've really got fast at doing them! Even I can do it if I try lol.

I'm going to keep living life at my own pace.

