At present, my go strength is 5-kyu. Recently Ifve been having strange experiences. Games that Ifm convinced Ifve won while Ifm playing turn out to be losses and games that I feel are hopeless and so resign turn out to have been wins for me. At what strength are players able to carry out positional assessments?
Consultation One : From Mr. Yoshida

eIfve captured a group.f = Ifve won.
eIfve lost a group. My territory has been destroyed.f = Ifve lost.
Itfs easy to think like this, but itfs surprising how often losing stones doesnft particularly matter.
The go board is so broad that success or failure in one area can be reversed in another area. There are turn-arounds of 10 or 20 points in the endgame, as well. Thatfs why go is so interesting.

As for your question about what level positional assessment becomes possible at, I think that at 5-kyu you would have a general feeling about the positional balance just by surveying the whole board, without necessarily counting. If you donft know which side is ahead, the odds are that itfs an even contest.

Up until about 1-dan, you can use positional judgement just as a rough guide, that is, eIfm a little aheadf or eIfm a little behind.f

Rather than trying to carry out a detailed assessment, I think youfll get better results by focussing on finding the best move for the next move. If you think youfre ahead, itfs easy to start playing slackly.

I hope that you keep doing your best while taking care about the above points.
