Woman professional Go players will answer your questions in turn.
Hello, Ms. Aoba. I enjoy watching the NHK go program very much. Well, I’m a beginner (though I’ve been playing for three years) who plays on Pandanet as 13-kyu. I play really slowly, and I wonder if a beginner should play fast, with good rhythm, at his own level. Or is it better to play at one’s own pace, without worrying about the opponent? I would like to hear your opinion.

Consultation One: Mr. Takemoto
Hello, Mr. Takemoto.

The days have been getting colder recently, so this is a good season to stay at home and enjoy playing on Pandanet.

You ask me if it’s better to play fast or to take your time, but the thing is that each has advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, the advantages of playing fast: there are areas in go that one can’t understand no matter how much time one takes, so by playing fast you experience a lot of different situations and learn from your mistakes. The more experience you have, the more you learn. However, if you just focus single-mindedly on playing fast, you may keep repeating the same mistakes.

The advantages of taking your time on your moves are that your games become more serious because you are concentrating on each move and you acquire the ability to think ahead. However, I think that in positions that you can’t work out no matter how long you think it’s important to play something and see what happens.

In short, there are individual differences, so one can’t generalize and say which is better. However, when you consider the opponent, I think it’s a good idea to finish a game in half an hour to one and a half hours.

I hope you will continue to enjoy go in a style that suits you.
Consultation 02