[ No.7 ] Hamburg (Germany) |

A year and a half has passed since the birth of a go club in the Margaretha-Rothe-Gymnasium. Club members meet after classes every Friday, with as many as a dozen or more people in attendance, including pupils from neighbouring schools. Uwe (2-dan) finishes up his work in the morning and comes along to teach go in the afternoon, never missing a club meeting. He’s also president of the Hamburg Go Club, where he helps out every Monday.

Kevin (11-kyu) is in the 7th grade. A bright, lively kid, he is one of the founding members of the club. Wahid (6-kyu) is in the 10th grade, and he has the composure you’d expect of a senior pupil. He’s fluent in English and always acts as my interpreter. The favourite subject of these two pupils is physics, and their dream is to win the Nobel Prize.

Marcel (16-kyu), who visits from a neighbouring school, is a long-time friend of Kevin’s. He likes go a lot, and he wants to study in Japan and emulate Hikaru.

‘Mixing with the kids is a lot of fun. The teaching feels worthwhile because they progress so fast’, Uwe comments. He’s like an older brother to his pupils. |
 [ No.8 ] Germany |

In this time I’d like to introduce some good and small friends of mine, their name is SToNES (10years old) They was born in Lippstadt, a small town in Germany. SToNES has been created by Andreas Fecke in 1995. Since then, SToNES became popular among Go players all around the world.

Yuki | : | Hi, SToNES! Can you talk a little bit about your character? |
SToNES | : | Well, we think we are some likeable guys. We love our job, even if our players doesn’t understand half as much about go than we do, and we are good friends with our rivals, the chess pieces. |
Yuki | : | Any favorites? |
SToNES | : | What we love is playing for beginners, because they are all so exited about go – it’s wonderful! |
Yuki | : | and not favorites? |
SToNES | : | We really hate long games because it is so hard to remain motionless for such a long time. After some hours, our feet start to hurt, too.... But if we leave the board for a cup of coffee or so, our players are very upset. It’s not always easy to be a Go stone, expecially if you are Go stone in a comic strip! There are also these nasty woodworms, who want to eat our nice board... |
Yuki | : | What is your favorite movie? |
SToNES | : | Our favorite movie, just because of the title, is „The empire strikes back“, the StarWars movie. In german, our mother tongue, it is called „Das Imperium schlägt zurück“. „Zurückschlagen“ means also „to recapture“... (See strip) |
Yuki | : | Do you have a vision of the future? |
SToNES | : | We hope there will be more go players! Men, women, children... because Go is such a great game, and of course because then more people would read our strip, too, hehe.... |
 SToNES home ground is the German Go Magazine (DGoZ) If you’d like to know more about SToNES, let go to meet them on their page!